HSL-34 E-Mail and Homepage Directory

Alaga, Nick "Danger"
Babcock, Dave
Borgquist, Bruce
Buzzell, Brian
Chandler, Chuck
Clements, Ken
Cochrane, Doug
Coyne, Kevin
Diamond, Dave Homepage
Dougherty, PJ
Eves, Robert
Florence, Ron
Gallagher, Greg
Gaudio, Jan
Gooden, Orestes
Gordon, Russ
Grosklags, Paul
Gross, Bill
Hayes, Ray
Humphreys, Eric
Hurley, Pat
Jaeger, Rich
Johnson, Ray
Jones, Gary
Jones, Greg
Keller, Doug
Klein, Craig
Kolesnikoff, Karl
Lalli, Mike
Larys, Bob
Lee, Dave
Lickiss, Kurt
Logan, Phil
Long, Mike
Mason, Rich
McDowell, Jim
McGuire, Larry
Newton, Andy
Pagan, Nef
Parsons, Eric (Need updated address)
Pugliese, Doug
Ragan, Matt
Raimondo, Jim
Rascoe, Bryan
Renberg, Dave
Roberti, John
Shalikashvili, David
Shepard, Kim
Sherland, Paul
Silvester, Mac
Stott, Frank
Sullivan, Ed
Triponey, Paul
Trygstad, Ray Homepage
Ziemer, Tim
Zorovich, Bill (need updated address)
Arenado, Ariel
Bosworth, Richard
Carey, Brian
Collins, Art
Durden, Patrick
Hansen, Mike
Harders, Wayne T.
Harmony, Jim
Hefler, Timothy L.
Hess, Carl
Holmes, Dave
Kasprzyk, Chris
Kelly, Chris
Polzin, Matt
Weinberg, David
Welch, Ty (need updated address)
Maintenance Personnel
Akins, Olen C.
Apking, Charles
Cookson, Timothy
Creed, Lindel
Double, Ron
Fisk, James (Tom)
Garrett, Kevin
James, Steven
Hillborn, Tom
Hoover, Todd
Kelly, Waitsel
Kueppers, Mark
Ledet, David
LeMieux, David
Litzinger, John "Tim"
Logue, J.
Lund, Brad
Madjeski, Henry "Hank"
R. Jr
Maser, T
McGuigan, Jack (Need updated address)
McLeod (formerly Boggan), Jim
McNulty, William J. Jr.
Mogle, Merrill
Noyes, Jeff Homepage
Race, Jamie M.
Raffelson, Lou
Ratliff, Dale
Ricoarango, Nestor
Skelston, Bob (Need updated address)
Skinner, Rick
Suppa, Frank
Trent, John
Wassmuth, Roger
Wisner, Nick "Wiz"
Zbikowski, Rich "Ski"
Ground Support Personnel
To be added to the list, submit Name, Rank, E-mail address, Homepage
address, Present Duty Station or Location and highest position held at
HSL-34 by clicking the mailbox below.

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Last Updated:
05 Aug 2001