OBJECTIVE: Research position, which will utilize my existing rotary wing Naval Aviation experience and organizational and computer skills. The position should enhance my research design and methodology knowledge and allow me to me to gain practical experience directly related to my academic training in the Master's Industrial/Organizational Psychology program at the University of West Florida. Career Summary: 12 years as a Naval Officer with extensive experience in rotary wing Naval Aviation operations, maintenance, scheduling and training. Proven strong leadership, organizational, analytical, troubleshooting, training and computer skills. Expertise in utilizing applied physics to detect, track, localize and attack submerged submarines, surface combatants and submerged and floating mines. Rotary wing flight expertise from over 2000 total hours of flight time in the Kaman SH-2F Light Airborne Multipurpose System (LAMPS MKI) and Bell TH-57helicopters including nearly 1000 hours as a helicopter Flight Instructor. Strong organizational and scheduling skills, including ability to schedule numerous varieties of dissimilar aircraft with appropriate consideration for overall mission requirements versus restrictions imposed by individual flight profiles, scheduling limitations, national rules of engagement and availability of each type aircraft. EXPERIENCE: Flight Experience: Unrestricted Naval Aviator ( qualified to fly fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft) with over 2000 hours total flight time in the following types of aircraft: SH-2F LAMPS MKI (helicopter) TH-57 Training Aircraft (helicopter) F-4S (fighter) TA-4F (attack aircraft) P-3C (Maritime Patrol Aircraft) T-34C Training Aircraft (fixed wing) Qualified as Aircraft Commander and Maintenance Check pilot in the SH-2F and TH-57. Qualified Helicopter Flight Instructor in the following areas: Familiarization (Basic Flight) Basic Instruments Radio Instruments Basic Tactics Land Navigation Night Familiarization Maintenance Experience: Qualified Post Maintenance Functional Check Pilot in the SH-2F and TH-57airframes. Graduated from the following Naval Aviation Maintenance schools: Naval Aviation Maintenance Control Naval Aviation Material Control Naval Aviation Logs and Records Naval Aviation Quality Assurance Naval Aviation Weight and Balance Naval Aviation Corrosion Control Operations Experience: Assistant Director of Operations for HSL-34. Oversaw shore based flight schedule development and execution. Managed quarterly flight hour allotments to allow a distribution among sea and shorebased detachments, which maintained required Pilot Training Rates while meeting all fleet operational requirements. Air Director of Operations for 2 different deploying staffs. Scheduled and tracked operational readiness and flight hour allotments for 7ships from 4 countries to enforce United Nations Sanctions in the North Red Sea and in Haiti. Scheduled all tactical helicopters and shore based Maritime Patrol Aircraft during the multinational exercise Purple Star 96 (the largest combined U.S./U.K.naval exercise since World War II). Training Experience: 2 years as helicopter flight instructor at Naval Air Station Whiting Field(NASWF). 1 year experience as Aircrew Coordination Training (ACT) Instructor at NASWF, completely revamped the multimedia training presentation used to give annual ACT training to all fixed and rotary wing flight instructors assigned to NASWF. 2 years experience training all east coast Helicopter Control Officer trainees in the capabilities and shipboard requirements of the SH-2F helicopter. Tactical Experience: Trained in the following areas of Naval Warfare: Anti-Submarine Warfare Anti-Ship Surveillance and Targeting Strike Warfare (Tomahawk Missiles) Mine Warfare Command Control Warfare (C2W) Command Control Communications and Computer Information Warfare (C4I) Naval Gunfire Spotter Computer Experience: Experience with the following software: Microsoft Windows 3.1, 3.11, 95 and 98. Microsoft Office 97 Microsoft FrontPage 98 Lotus Smart Suite 96/97 Dbase 4.0 Internet Explorer 4.0 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Flight Instructor, U.S. Naval Reserve Detachment 282, attached to Helicopter Training Squadron 18 NAS Whiting Field Milton, FL, January 1999-Present Graduate Student, University of West Florida currently enrolled in the Industrial Organizational Psychology Master's Program expected graduation date December 2000, August 1998-Present. Flight Instructor, U.S. Navy, Helicopter Training Squadron 18 NAS Whiting Field Milton, FL, 1996-May 1998 Director of Air Operations, U.S. Navy, Commander Destroyer Squadron 20, Naval Station Norfolk, VA, 1994-1996 Director of Air Operations, U.S. Navy, Commander Destroyer Squadron 36, Naval Station Charleston, SC, 1993-1994 Naval Aviator and Assistant Director of Operations, U.S. Navy, Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron Light 34, NAS Norfolk, VA, 1990-1993 Naval Aviator and Public Affairs Officer, U.S. Navy, Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron Light 30, NAS Norfolk, VA, 1988-1990 Student Naval Aviator, training assignments, U.S. Navy, 1986-1988 SECURITY CLEARANCE: Top Secret/SCI EDUCATION: 1982-1986 Tulane University, New Orleans, LA B.S., Psychology 1998-Present University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL Working towards M.A. Industrial Organizational Psychology Expected Completion date Dec 2000. INTERESTS: Aviation, Crew Resource Management, Demings methods for managing quality (TQM), electronics, computers/internet, Homepage design, Woodworking, photography,fishing, and snorkeling. |