The World Famous HSL-34 Greencheckers
This page has been visited times since 13
September 1997
Welcome aboard the unofficial
Homepage of HELANTISUBRONLIGHT THREE FOUR (HSL-34, The Greencheckers). HSL-34 was one of
the original LAMPS squadrons, based in Norfolk, VA until it's disestablishment in 1993.
This page will act as a reminder of their contributions to National Defense and act as a
starting point for finding old members.

All photos taken by David D. Diamond
This Page contains an e-mail directory of former Greencheckers. To be added to the
list, submit Name, Rank, E-mail address, Homepage address, Present Duty Station or
Location and highest position held at HSL-34 by clicking the mailbox below. There is also
a link to a page listing upcoming Greenchecker Reunions.

Sign My Guestbook
Last Updated: 30 April, 2000